Supporting Role Ltd | Spirit Design Office Database
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Case Studies

The case studies here are an example of the diversity of our work and the level of our competence.

Star Events



PR Agency

Spirit Design

Forget About IT



Gotham Erskine

Spirit Design – Office Database:

Spirit Design is a lighting design agency that offers a broad spectrum of services from the simplest provision of static lighting to the power distribution, lighting design and rigging installation on events worldwide.

They needed a system to keep track of their jobs, from the first quote to the final invoice, including making sure all the suppliers’ invoices matched their purchase orders and that the job was making a profit.

The system also includes a crew scheduling system allowing Spirit Design’s project managers to search by skill as well as by a complex schedule of in, out and show days, as not every person would be needed on every day.

They system also keeps track of the status of their freelance crews’ public liability insurance, and emails them when it is due in order to obtain a copy of the new certificate. If they do not send it in, they won’t appear on the list of available crew in the scheduling system for new events.

The system runs in a web interface and has it’s own authentication system. It also has the ability to show the files that have been created for a job, and in some browsers allows opening them from the office system.

The system has been running since 2007 and has since been moved to a virtual machine as part of some infrastructure changes carried out in 2015.