Supporting Role Ltd | Cyber Safety
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These pages show part of our services. We tailor what we do to what you need, so it is impossible for us to describe everything we do for our clients. We are not a call centre boiler room type operation, we are a proper IT support company with proper support engineers.

User Support

File Servers

Email Servers





Cyber Safety

Private Cloud

Cyber Safety

Most security risks come not from the outside, but from your own staff. Stealing your contacts so they can set themselves up in business on their own, or just sending out personal sensitive data on memory sticks that anyone can read.

Data protection laws are becoming more onerous, and we advise our clients on how they can minimise their exposure to the penalties, and helping to keep the stable door closed in the first place.

We can help put HR processes in place, and we can offer seminars on both cybersecurity and on-line safety, as well as data protection basics.

As part of our audits, we look at access to your website, and the ownership and management of your domain name. We look at your social media accounts and your password policies inside the office as well.

We can do seminars to your staff about how to be safer in today’s online world, and we give them simple tips on how to spot phishing and scams.