Supporting Role Ltd | Hosted Services
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These pages show part of our services. We tailor what we do to what you need, so it is impossible for us to describe everything we do for our clients. We are not a call centre boiler room type operation, we are a proper IT support company with proper support engineers.

User Support

File Servers

Email Servers





Cyber Safety

Private Cloud

Hosted Services

We have our own private cloud based in one of the best server farms in the country. If you want a cloud based solution, but are worried about jurisdictional issues, or just want a proper audit trail on who has been accessing your data, we can help.

We provide web servers, email servers, file storage solutions, database servers, VPN servers, all fully backed up to multiple locations within the UK.

All of our solutions are fully managed and designed for small businesses. We make sure the servers are updated as soon as patches come out, and continuously upgrade the hardware.

We can also provide single email mailboxes and web sites on our shared (but segregated) servers, if that is your need.